Semantic code and header tags within DotNetNuke skins
ESPN - Home Page:
(fig. 3)
Right column
H1 – Chat in the Show! (latest chat shows)
H3 – next content header section in right column
H3 – Further heading sections of links in the right column
Left column
H4 – Columns and Features (bottom left column)
H4 – Further heading sections of links in the bottom left column
H4 – More links
Middle column
H2 – Top Middle column item title
H1 – ESPN News Headlines
H4 – Article title
ESPN have used the H1 tag twice. In this case they have used it for the latest headlines and chat shows. It appears as though they are using the Header tags to state the importance of each link section, but the location on the page of these header tags does not seem to match their importance.
For instance, why isn’t there a H1 tag, or any header tags in the top left section which is known to be the area that your eye goes to first on the web page? – Based on location importance of a page, you would expect the content in the top left of the page to have the highest priority, yet none of the content uses a header tag.
ESPN have used header tags from H1 to H4 within their home page.
ESPN - Article page:
H1 – Title of article
There are no sub headings used within an article and there are no heading tags used for other sections on the page. There is just one H1 tag used on an article page within ESPN. |  |