How to upgrade DotNetNuke® from v3.x to v3.2 on a live website

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Key points to note from the video

  • Backup your installation
  • Backup the web.config file
  • Backup any other files you may have changed such as the fav.ico file, custom 404 pages, etc.
  • Edit the web.config file
    <add key="AutoUpgrade" value="true" />
    <add key="AutoUpgrade" value="false" />

  • Upload this change to the server

  • Transfer from your server web.config file the settings to the release.config file, covering:
    • <add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=,23;Database=audio32xT;uid=Myuid;pwd=usm38fTJ;" />
    • <add key="MachineValidationKey" value="DB02CB97BAE1814E49F1310895EC33B22FC70014" />
    • <add key="MachineDecryptionKey" value="6E324A6FF2B87D590B71D61FDD95C82A137C980893117CF0"/>
    • <add key="InstallationDate" value="11/19/2005" />

  • If you have made any further changes to your web.config file for third party modules,  HTTP compression, or database object qualifiers, copy these changes across to the release.config file

  • If you have enabled HTTP compression, disable it until you have completed the upgrade

  • Tip: - When you make changes to your web.config file, surround the changes with comments so that it easy to spot at a later date any changes that you have made

  • Save the changes to the release.config file and rename it to web.config

  • The first file to upload is the dotnetnuke.dll file from the bin folder

  • This informs DotNetNuke that you are upgrading the website and it will now display an under construction page
    • (You can view the under construction page in the Install folder)

  • Upload all of the DotNetNuke 3.2 installation files over the top of the current installation

  • Open your browser and enter the following URL:

  • This will trigger the installation process

  • Check that your website is operating correctly and that you can still login

If you have any further questions regarding upgrading, this forum thread may provide further information: