Anyone know of an AJAX-enabled Skin Object?
Last Post 01/20/2008 11:35 AM by tlyczko. 1 Replies.
Author Messages
Andy Hock
Nuke Pro
Nuke Pro

01/19/2008 11:19 AM  
Hey all:

Normally I'm hear answering questions, but this question has been on the DNN forums for a couple of days to no avail, so I thought perhaps someone here could help me.

I'm trying to create an AJAX-enabled Skin Object...not a module.  Does anyone know if there is an AJAX-enabled skin object w/source available for sale?  Or a tutorial that *includes* AJAX-enabling for a skin object?

Thanks in advance for anyone's help...

DotNetNuke and .NET web parts, web services, modules and code snippets.
Nuke Ace
Nuke Ace

01/20/2008 11:35 AM  
Depends also on the site hosting, whether or not Ajax is installed and turned on or not in the case of ASP.NET AJAX...otherwise depends what Ajax library(ies) one uses for the menu.

What you want would require a custom-written module -- I am not at all an Ajax expert, I've just simply read about it -- but I also recommend you use a library that can be externally loaded and kept up to date, like the Yahoo and Dojo ones (I think), for example.

