Registration, return url and email notification after registering
Last Post 10/15/2013 10:44 PM by Joseph Craig. 1 Replies.
Author Messages

10/15/2013 6:44 AM  
Please help me on this.

steps :
1 .A user clicks on a link to download a secure file. The file can only be accessed if he registers.

2. the website then redirects him to the logon page/registration page.
3. after filling up the form and clicking submit. He is then redirected back to the downloaded file.
4. An email notification is sent to the user thanking him for registering.

How can I go about including the link of the file in the email notification message?

Please help me.
Joseph Craig

10/15/2013 10:44 PM  
You might be a candidate for Data Springs' Dynamic Login module. It gives you lots of control and lots of options for the login process.

Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
Complete DNN Support
