Event Module on multiple pages to use different templage
Last Post 09/14/2011 10:41 AM by SCMAO. 4 Replies.
Author Messages
Nuke Ace
Nuke Ace

03/23/2011 10:15 AM  
Hi everybody,

I added the event module to one of the pages and it shows as a list, and I also added as an existing module to the home page, but I would like to show in small calendar format on the home page. Is it possible to use different template for the same Event module on different pages? Now, whenever I change the settings for the one on the home page, it affects the one on the other page.

Joseph Craig

03/23/2011 6:42 PM  
I think that you want to install Events modules on the other pages as "sub-calendars" of the main one. That way they really will be different.

If you installed a copy of the existing module, there really is only one instance, and that is why the changes on one page show up on another page.

Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
Complete DNN Support
Nuke Ace
Nuke Ace

03/30/2011 10:53 PM  
Hi Joe,

I am not sure what do you mean by "install Events modules on the other pages as 'sub-calendars' of the main one".
Is it the same as add existing module with the checkbox "Copy Module (without content)" enabled?
I would like them to have the same content (same event) just smaller format to show on homepage. Actually the theme called "Small" not sure if is useful, because I found that if the title of the events are long, it will extend the with of the calendar and gets out if the skin. It would be nice to just show some small dots or other sign (maybe changed background color) for the days which have events and show more details when you hover over.

Thank you,
Nuke Master
Nuke Master

03/31/2011 4:09 AM  
Hi Steven, no, add a NEW (NOT existing) Events module to the page and then on the new module go to Settings > SubCalendar Settings and tick the Include Other Site Event Modules box. You then get more options to include the other Event module as a subcalendar. Just remember that it's a one way thing, events on the old calendar will display in the new one but events entered on the new one will not display in the old one, so keep addng events to the old one. Of course, if you don't have any events in the old calendar, you can decide which one to be the main and which to be the sub. Hope that makes sense.
Nuke Ace
Nuke Ace

09/14/2011 10:41 AM  
Thanks for your help.
It works as you suggested (included the other event module as subcalendar)
Now I have some other problems related to styling on the page:
(For standard theme I chose "Small" and it shows a small calendar on my main page)
- some days have events and it shows "2 Event(s)" or "1 Event(s)" under the day of the month - this makes some months wider and it sticks out from the layout column (originally it showed the full event title in the calendar which made it very wide, I managed to take that out, but even this the calendar width depends on how many events I have in it)
- when I hover over on a day which has events, the events list supposed to float on top and instead it floats behind the calendar
- when I click on the link "2 Event(s)", it shows the event list in the same place, and when click on the title, it continues showing all details in the same place. I would like it to take me to the events page where the subcalendar is and show the details there, since there is not much place on the homepage where the small calendar is.

Thank you,
