< !--[if gt IE 8]--> Usage in DNN7
Last Post 08/20/2013 1:46 PM by Alex Ritter. 0 Replies.
Author Messages
Alex Ritter
Nuke Pro
Nuke Pro

08/20/2013 1:46 PM  
Hello guys -

I'm trying to set up a conditional statement that either loads a bit of java-script code or not, based on if the browser is greater than IE8.

I've hear of the conditional statement <!--[if gt IE 8]-->, but I can not seem to get it to work in my skin files.

Whats the trick here? I do have 40 fingers style helper installed on my DNN portal, but I'm not sure how to include the JS inside the 40 fingers statement.

An example of what I'm trying to accomplish would be:

< !--[if gt IE 8]-->
< script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.dnncreative.com//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-4f21643b21c50811">< /script>
< !--< ![endif]-->

Thanks -
