Building Custom Modules - Slow postbacks with AJAX
Last Post 04/06/2009 4:22 PM by Scriptmonkey. 1 Replies.
Author Messages
Nuke Newbie
Nuke Newbie

02/15/2009 4:14 PM  

I'm having some problems with some custom e-commerce modules we built (for travel insurance purchase).  Some of the fields validate using AJAX postbacks.  When we coded the modules outside DNN the postbacks were super fast -> c200 milli seconds (as per Mozilla Firebug Addon - great tool!). 

Now we've wrapped the same code in to DNN modules/controls we have a couple of problems

1. it became really slow, adding a full second to all the postbacks ->  1.2 to 1.4 seconds.  This makes usability a big issue, as arrowing through 12 months on a calendar controll takes 15 seconds!

2. It also displays the (standard) progressbar.gif during the postback - how do we get rid of that? (without hiding it using stylesheets; or simply deleting the image?)

3. after the postback, it removes focus from the field it just validated (and sets focus on some other random page element), so entering text in a field and then pressing the tab key has strange results.

We're using Version 4.9  (was on 4.8.4 but upgraded - no improvement in performance)

Any help is greatly appreciated!



04/06/2009 4:22 PM  
...An old post but can't help but wonder if his modules make use of the Microsoft Ajax Update Panel Control. These send back the whole page and might explain why the addition of the module into DNN with other content might make the module noticeably slow down.
