Last Post 09/05/2008 7:31 PM by puuri. 2 Replies.
Author Messages
Matt Shortland
Nuke Newbie
Nuke Newbie

09/05/2008 8:14 AM
    hello I am just working on my first dnn site and wondered what you all think?
    Nuke Master
    Nuke Master

    09/05/2008 8:53 AM
    It may just be my network, but I was unable to get to your site.

    Was there anyone able to get to the site?


    Mark Gordon
    Nuke Newbie
    Nuke Newbie

    09/05/2008 7:31 PM
    I just took a look and made it through just fine. I am very new to DNN and working towards generating my own first site using this CMS. I really like what you have put together. The use of imagery in the banners and the front page menu icons provides color and warmth that makes me feel like I am in a rural setting. Your photography is stellar and the imagery is well placed on the pages. It makes me want to come for a visit which is probably high on the list of objectives for displaying your site on the web. I am in the US and the response time was very fast. Just a couple critiques and these may be worthless based on my inexperience with the platform. On your opening page I saw three different navigational avenues - top, left, and bottom - and I was a little confused at first if they were redundant, or provided separate navigation opportunities. Although that left hand menu with the icons is done very nicely. On your map page where you provide the opportunity to view a larger map, I might suggest, if possible, to open that up in a separate window (i.e. target="_blank") so as not to allow users to leave your site. I think those were the only areas of further suggestion that I could come up with as you have done a really nice job with your first DNN site. I hope you get lots of visitors to the site on the web and in person.
