DNN 4.5 and MSSQL 2000/2005
Last Post 04/13/2007 9:15 AM by markp. 0 Replies.
Author Messages
Nuke Pro
Nuke Pro

04/13/2007 9:15 AM

    I was recieveing a connection error on several of my modules. This is the reply I posted in another forum, when I found out what the solution was.

    Leupold thank you for pointing me in the right direction.  I was using a straight text editor, and didnt notice that the legacy section for MSSQL 2005 was commented out!  Therefore even when I replaced the string, it didnt take affect. 

    I checked the update version of the 4.5 Install and release.config comes with this section commented out  Those of us with Server 2000/2005 need to make sure we move the close to the comment section.  
