How to put bullet list to the right of an image?
Last Post 10/21/2013 1:29 PM by Vanna Samuel. 3 Replies.
Author Messages
Nuke Ace
Nuke Ace

09/25/2013 8:27 PM

    I have an image in an html module and have a bullet list. The list should be right of the image.

    The list is displayed, but the bullets and part of the lines are hidden under the image.

    So I added in the (li) a span style with float:"right". This did move the text right, but also increased the space between the bullet and the line of text.

    I suppose the question is how do I move the both the bullets and the text right; or, is there a neat trick to wrapping the image with a list?

    Thanks for your help.

    Joseph Craig

    09/26/2013 8:24 AM
    Something like this should work.

    <img alt="" src="/portals/5/SamplePicture06.jpg" style="float: left; margin-right: 50px;" />
        <li>List Item 1</li>
        <li>List Item 2</li>
        <li>List Item 3</li>

    You can see it live at

    Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
    Complete DNN Support
    Nuke Ace
    Nuke Ace

    09/26/2013 12:31 PM
    Joseph, that works perfectly. Thank you.
    Vanna Samuel
    Nuke Newbie
    Nuke Newbie

    10/21/2013 1:29 PM
    Thanks for the information, I was having the same problem
    Social Networking
