Any video for How to add a custom USer control and page where i can have my own logic
Last Post 11/06/2012 8:51 AM by Joseph Craig. 3 Replies.
Author Messages
Kamran Shahid
Nuke Newbie
Nuke Newbie

11/05/2012 1:59 AM
    I am looking for Any video which will help me in training forHow to add a custom USer control [which should reside on right pane of Application Master/Home page] and a page where i can have my own logic to connect with my own db,some validation e.t.c.
    Kindly Point out me to any such video/tutorial
    Joseph Craig

    11/05/2012 2:27 PM
    "adding a custom user control" is "creating a custom module."

    There are several tutorials on creating modules. There are also some good tutorials also at Look over there for a series on a Task Manager Module by Chris Hammond.

    Once you have created a custom module, you install it in your DotNetNuke installation. Then, you can create a page using the DotNetNuke UI and add your module to the page.

    Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
    Complete DNN Support
    Kamran Shahid
    Nuke Newbie
    Nuke Newbie

    11/06/2012 1:23 AM
    Hi Joseph,
    Due to some restriction on youtube streaming i have to move here for the videos.So i were trying to find the video in which i can add one page[say custom module] and do some validation and addition in another of my database whose connection string and other implementation i wanted to add in our DNN website solution
    Joseph Craig

    11/06/2012 8:51 AM
    First, make sure that you have read through the page that I referenced earlier. That might help if you get stuck.

    If your application is installed in IIS, delete the IIS application.

    Then, in IIS you select your DotNetNuke application, right click and select Add Virtual Directory.

    Locate the directory in which your application resides and select that. Give a meaningful alias.

    So, if your DotNetNuke application is, and you give the application an alias of myaspapp, you should be able to visit your application as

    (I wrote this from memory, not from actually doing it, so I hope I got all of the steps.)

    Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
    Complete DNN Support
