How can i export User Roles to New Dnn Site
Last Post 04/15/2010 4:00 PM by Joseph Craig. 3 Replies.
Author Messages
Nuke Pro
Nuke Pro

04/13/2010 3:01 PM
    What is the best way to export user roles to a new DNN site?

    Basically, i have an old DNN 4.x site where i need to export the roles to another DNN 5.x installation.

    Is there a simple SQL DB way to do that? Or maybe an inexpensive module that would help me with this?

    The last thing i want to do is re-create each role

    Please advise work-a-round.

    please help...

    Joseph Craig

    04/14/2010 10:38 PM
    If you want to only move the roles, and nothing associated with the users, you might try:
    • make a copy of the site
    • delete all of the pages and all of the users
    • delete most of the modules and skins
    • export the site
    You can then import the site to your new site, and mostly all that should be imported is the roles.  You could manually edit the export to eliminate other things that you don't want imported.

    You might want to do this early on, before adding other stuff to the site.

    Mind you, this is off the top of my head, so you may need to experiment a bit to get it to do what you want it to do.

    Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
    Complete DNN Support
    Nuke Pro
    Nuke Pro

    04/15/2010 2:44 PM

    Thanks but, Unfortunately, the site is already well underway. We were hoping there was a simple method to export the old DNN 4.x roles into the DNN5 site that’s already set up. The steps mentioned above will not help us in this instance. Note: the souce site already has hundreds of pages.

    So is there no way to export just the user roles from one site to another?

    Not even through SQL?

    Joseph Craig

    04/15/2010 4:00 PM
    You will want to compare the Roles  tables in the two sites.  There are 19 columns, including a link to the RolesGroup table.

    You can view the table in the old site and copy the contents.  You can then paste that into the same table in the new site.  You will need to pay attention to the values in the columns if the portalid values do not match.

    You might want to write a query to do this.

    And, I would do this on copies of both databases, just so that you can recover is you break something.

    Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group
    Complete DNN Support
